Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ PPCO 带盖窄口瓶: 可高温高压灭菌 2006-0008PK 也被称为 2006-9125 Case of 72 4 mL
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ PPCO 带盖窄口瓶: 可高温高压灭菌
Thermo Scientific™ 842312051941用于iCAP™7000系列ICP-OES系统的增强型矩阵容差(EMT)中心管
专用Thermo Scientific™耗材,包括用于Thermo Scientific™iCAP™7000系列ICP-OES系统的增强型基质容差(EMT)中心管,确保质量和适用性。
6016731 ATPlite 1step Luminescence Assay System, 100 mL ATP Assay Kit
ATP is a marker for cell viability due to its presence in all metabolically active cells. ATP concentration declines rap
紫外灯 LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA
紫外灯 LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA UV Lamp LC210-02 LC285 LC170 LC158 LC105 LC118 ELGA flex
Viton O-Ring 26.57 mm I.D., 09921062 Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00
Viton® o-ring, 26.57 mm inner diameter by 3.53 mm width, used with quartz torches in Optima™ 2x00 DV, 4x00 DV, 5x00 DV,